I am a Ph.D candidate in Biostatistics at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH), advised by Dr. Yun Li and Dr. Didong Li. My research focuses on statistical genetics/genomics and machine learning, particularly on spatial omics and Gaussian Process. Prior to that, I did my MS in Statistics at University of Wisconsin-Madison, and completed my BS in Statistics at East China Normal University.

  1. Spatial statistics
  2. Gaussian process
  3. Dimension reduction
  4. Statistical genetics/genomics
  5. AI4Science

  • ENAR 2024, MCBIOS 2024 (Oral),WiML 2023, ASHG 2023 (Poster). "Investigating spatial dynamics in spatial omics data with StarTrail."
  • NeurIPS 2023 (Poster). "On the Identifiability and Interpretability of Gaussian Process Models."
  • ENAR 2023 (Oral), ASHG 2022 (Poster). "Cell composition inference and identification of layer-specific spatial transcriptional profiles with POLARIS."
  • ASHG 2020 (Poster). "Gamete simulation improves polygenic transmission disequilibrium analysis."

Honors and Awards:
  • MCBIOS Young Scientist Excellence Award. 2024
  • Women in Machine Learning travel funding. 2023
  • Joan M. Truby Scholarship, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 2022
  • Honorable Mention, Mathematical Contest in Modeling. 2018
  • First-Class Scholarship, East China Normal University. 2016
  • Excellent Student Leader, East China Normal University. 2015, 2016

  • 2020-current, Ph.D. student, Biostatistics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • M.S., Statistics, Univeristy of Wisconsin-Madison.
  • B.S., Statistics, East China Normal University