I am a Ph.D candidate in Biostatistics at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH), advised by Dr. Yun Li and Dr. Didong Li. My research focuses on statistical genetics/genomics and machine learning, particularly on spatial omics and Gaussian Process. Prior to that, I did my MS in Statistics at University of Wisconsin-Madison, and completed my BS in Statistics at East China Normal University.
- Spatial statistics
- Gaussian process
- Dimension reduction
- Statistical genetics/genomics
- AI4Science
Lastest News:
- Nov 2024: Wancen and Jiawen's GPlag paper is accepted by Biometrics.
- Sep 2024: Our dataset STimage-1K4M is accepted by NeurIPS2024.
- May 2024: Our dataset STimage-1K4M is publicly available now! Access it at HuggingFace.
- Mar 2024: Jiawen won the MCBIOS Young Scientist Excellence Award.
- Sep 2023: Our paper "On the identifiability and interpretability of Gaussian process parameters" accepted by NeurIPS2023.
- Mar 2023: Our spatial transcriptomics deconvolution method POLARIS published by Science Advances.
- Jun 2022: Our spatial transcriptomics deconvolution review paper published by Briefings in Bioinformatics.